
In short, it's a brilliant, wonderful game that deserves five stars in it's own right. Unfortunately, the controls were clearly designed primarily for consoles. The result is a sometimes frustrating response to expected PC …



PC Games アクション Psychonauts free Download - Psychonauts を無料でダウンロード 無料ダウンロード プログラムの詳細 評価: ライセンスタイプ: TRIAL バージョン: Demo ファイルサイズ: 457.33MB 日付の更新: JUL-24 2020/03/31 2017/12/13 2005/05/13 2005/04/19

2005/04/12 2020/03/27 A Psychic Odyssey Through the Minds of Misfits, Monsters, and Madmen. This classic action/adventure platformer from acclaimed developers Double Fine Productions follows the story of … The developers of Psychonauts put a lot of thought into this game's layout, and it shows. Graphically, this unfortunately isn't much to write home about. The PS2 does tend to fall short of the Xbox in sheer pretty, but Psychonauts is extremely well designed, so at the very least it is attractive in its own right. Razputin Aquato, trained acrobat and powerful young psychic, has realized his life long dream of joining the international psychic espionage organization known as the Psychonauts! 2020/02/23 2019/11/24

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27 Dec 2019 Psychonauts 2. The long-awaited sequel. Release: TBA 2020. Raz and his fellow Psychonauts flew off on their new mission to save the Grand Head of the psychic agents at the end of the original cult-classic. Fifteen years 

2020/02/23 2019/11/24 For years, Psychonauts sent their mentally armed operatives around the world, but this time the danger is brewing in their own training camp. An abnormal scientist kidnaps the Cadets for the sake of experimenting with their 2019/09/26 2017/10/10 2019/10/21

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